6 responses to “Contact

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    • Its not a good idea to put your email address on a public forum. Its best to send an email or message with this information.


  3. Hi, The email address MAIL@EASTCROYDON.ORG.UK is not working. Could you please send the below regarding traffic within the area:
    Thank you

    To whom it my concern,

    I understand that Elgin Road is bearing the brunt of the one way system put in place and it seems obvious that that would happen as you are just pushing the problem along the road the the first available left turn. There is a very simple solution to this problem . As a resident of the area, either make Addiscombe Court Road or Canning Road one way from Addiscombe Road down to Lower Addiscombe Road reversing the direction of the one way system currently in use.

    You can further improve the flow of traffic by making the one direction in on Cedar Road from Cherry Orchard Road two way, this would help residents to get out of the area.

    At the moment you are not giving the residents an easy access out of the area they live in, making them increase journey time and create more emissions in Croydon.

    Implementing this proposal will assist local residents and keep Croydon greener.

    You have to live here to understand the problem by driving out of our area and this is the reason why we feels strongly and want to give our feedback to you!


    • Hi, Russ. Sorry, have just seen this. We have been receiving emails regularly through mail@eastcroydon.org.uk, so didn’t realise that it was an issue for some people. The meeting has already taken place now, but several people had already made the same comments as yourself, so your view should have been represented.

      The Addiscombe East Councillors are going to set up another meeting and are looking for a representative for each affected road. Which road do you live in? You can email your response to my personal email address angela.vanegas@btinternet.com. When I get your email address, I can ask our technical person to look into why your email did not get through in the normal manner.

      Best wishes


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