CORRECTION “The lost story of South London’s technological excellence” talk 7.45pm Wednesday, 26 JUNE at East Croydon United Reformed Church, 86 Addiscombe Grove @cnhssprogramme @MuseumofCroydon @CroydonLibs

South London was a technological hotspot from the 1850s through to the 1980s, with companies such as Telcon, STC, Siemens and AEI pioneering international telecoms, and with Decca developing hi-fi stereo recording (and also radar and navigation). John Logie Baird had his TV development lab in the old Crystal Palace, and the BBC’s research labs were in south-west London. Almost all of that has gone, except for a single factory in Greenwich. Alan Burkitt-Gray, who has been a telecoms and technology journalist since 1973, tells the story.

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